How Do Academic Students Use Generative AI? 

Artificial intelligence rapidly transformed, and continues to transform, how society interacts with and uses technology. Has AI changed the college experience for academic students? Are students keeping up with the rapid changes AI has brought forth? In an updated report, Jisc, a UK non-profit data and technology agency, provides answers to these questions and explains how academic students use AI (Jisc, 2024).

To update a 2023 report, nine in-person discussion forums were held at various institutions with over 200 college and university students participating. Jisc learned that academic students have dramatically changed how and the extent they utilize AI since the August study. Student expectations of their institution to prepare them for employment in an AI world have also increased (Jisc, 2024).

Academic learners don’t view generative AI as a provider of answers but as a collaborative digital assistant tool that enhances active learning and critical thinking. Many students use free versions of AI, while others pay for improved access if the tool aids in accessibility, fits neurodiversity needs, or is career focused (Jisc, 2024).

Following are a few examples of the numerous ways in which students apply AI tools in their educational experience. For a more comprehensive list, refer to the reference at the end of this article (Jisc, 2024).

Communications and Content Creations
Generative AI guides students to communicate more effectively, clearly, efficiently, and professionally.

Students use AI as a learning tool to

  • access after-hours support or tutoring
  • ask multiple questions until they fully understand content
  • create tailored study aids and flashcards
  • learn English or other languages

Generative AI tools aid students in research by

  • speeding up and simplifying the process
  • summarizing lengthy articles and papers
  • identifying work relevant to their topic
  • breaking down complex topics

Computer learners can become more productive and creative by using AI to

  • identify errors in coding
  • develop script
  • solve coding problems

Creativity and Idea Development
Generative AI tools are viewed as a creative collaborator which inspires creativity in its users by presenting new possibilities and ideas. AI tools allow creators to express themselves by merging or manipulating images that fit their ideas.

Productivity and Task Management
Students who used AI as a personal organization tool found they had more free time for themselves or family. AI tools allowed them to

  • re-prioritize tasks
  • manage calendars
  • meet deadlines

According to the Jisc report, students also use generative AI tools for personal or emotional support. The tools allow some learners to feel less lonely, while others use them as a guide or support to overcome fears and become a more confident individual.

Jisc found that academic students have become more AI literate since the 2023 report. Learners experiment with and use a variety of AI tools to access new information, become more creative, and support and enhance their learning experience. While students are learning the capacity and limitations of generative AI by using the tools, they also feel a need for information literacy skills that help assess the information, sources, and content they encounter. Students are looking to their institutions to provide courses in AI that help learners

  • use AI effectively and responsibly
  • use AI tools specific to content areas
  • critically evaluate AI outputs
  • deal with misinformation

As students use generative AI more frequently, they are concerned of losing their individual voice and creativity by becoming too dependent on the tools. Learners would like institutions to help find a balance between excessively using AI and retaining personal intellectual growth. Some students also think teachers should become more confident AI users so they can support their students (Jisc, 2024).

This article touched on a few topics discussed in the forums, but the entire article brings forth student comments on generative AI and academic integrity, responsible and ethical use, and employment. You may also click here to read the August 2023 Jisc report on student perceptions of generative AI.


Jisc. (2024, May). Student perceptions of generative AI. Bristol.

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