Adventures of AI & Children

Welcome to the fascinating adventures of AI and children, where technology meets imagination! As librarians, we are the gatekeepers to a world of knowledge, and understanding AI’s role in children’s lives can help us unlock new adventures in learning and creativity. Let’s dive into the ways AI is shaping the future for our young adventurers.  

What is Generative AI? 

Generative AI is like a digital magician that conjures up new content from vast amounts of data. Imagine a tool that can whip up a story, draw a picture, or even recommend your next favorite book – all by learning from existing examples! Think of it as an endlessly creative friend who always has something new and exciting to share.  

Learning with AI: Fun and Educational  

AI can be an incredible sidekick in the learning journey. One of the most exciting prospects of AI in education, is its potential to bridge educational gaps. AI tools can be designed to cater to diverse learning needs, including those of neurodiverse students and students with disabilities. Picture an AI tutor that adapts to each child’s learning pace, offering personalized hints and feedback. AI can make learning math, science, and even reading more enjoyable and relatable. 

However, like any thrilling adventure, the AI jungle has its tricky paths. Social media platforms use AI algorithms that sometimes lead kids down harmful rabbit holes. As librarians, we can help children understand these risks and teach them to use AI tools wisely and safely.  

Building AI Literacy: The Key to the Future 

Think of AI Literacy as the superpower every child needs. It’s about understanding how AI works and recognizing its capabilities and limits. Imagine workshops where kids can learn to code simple AI programs or discussions on the ethical dilemmas AI might pose. These activities can turn curiosity into competence, preparing them for a future where AI is a daily companion.  

By introducing AI Literacy programs, you can help children navigate this new world. Create fun, hands-on activities where kids can see AI in action. Show them how to ask smart questions and think critically about the information they get from AI tools. It’s all about making AI an ally, not an enemy.   

Co-Use: Adventures with a Safety Net  

For the youngest adventurers, co-use with parents or caregivers is a great strategy. Imagine a scenario where a child and parent experience an AI tool together, with the parent providing context and guidance. This way AI becomes a family activity fostering learning and bonding at the same time. Generational programming anyone??! 

As librarians, we have the power to turn this technology into a magical tool for learning. By promoting AI literacy and safe, ethical AI use, librarians can help children embark on their own AI adventures, equipped with the knowledge and curiosity to explore this brave new world.  

For more insights and resources, visit: and check out the Children and Screens infographic below.  

Children and Screens. “Youth and Generative AI: a Guide for Parents and Educators.”  
Children and Screens. “What is Generative AI?”  
Children and Screens. “Algorithms 101: Youth and AI-Driven Tech”

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